Sunday 26 March 2023

Mastermind Semi Final Monday 27th March - fancy a wiki?

An interesting list of specialists for anyone thinking of doing the wiki challenge on tomorrow night’s Mastermind semi final specialist subjects. As listed on the BBC Mastermind website they are:-

The PDC World Darts Championship

The History of Transportation to Australia

Parks and Recreation

Queen Anne

I say with some confidence that I will not be matching last week’s aggregate total. I have a parents’ evening to prepare for so shan’t be googling any of them. For the record, here’s my prediction

PDC World Championship – maybe I might sneak 1 point. My interest in darts really peaked in the early 80s BDO era – Bristow and Wilson and Keith Deller and all that.

The History of Transportation to Australia is a subject on which I might well draw a blank – unless it asks about my several times great uncle, Jabez Rainbow who was a British Army officer who took a cutthroat razor to the throat of his ‘common-law wife’ in the 1840s when he was off his face on the opium derivative laudanum. She survived, and it was her testimony in his favour that meant his death sentence was commuted to transportation to Van Diemen’s Land – Tasmania. Interesting, but hardly likely to bring me any points.

Parks and Recreation. I know it’s a TV show but have never watched it. Royaume Uni nul points.

Queen Anne – well I always fancy that British monarchs give me a bit of a chance. So if I say 2 on this, then I’ll be disappointed if I don’t get that many. So basically, for the aggregate for the whole lot of tomorrow’s specialist, anything higher than three points will be a bonus for me.

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