Saturday 29 April 2023

A Bunch of A***holes

I was saddened on two occasions this week to hear that two of my nearest and dearest have been given grief over quizzes that they’ve compiled.

My son Mike often plays in a quiz on a Tuesday night – I’ve accompanied him once or twice when other team members haven’t been able to make it. Like our quiz in the rugby club, this is compiled by volunteers from the teams who play in it. Mike’s team are by far the most regular winners of the quiz, and as you probably won’t be too surprised to hear this has created a lot of resentment amongst the others. I’m sure it doesn’t help that they are younger than any of the other teams by some degree. Mike’s team were compiling the quiz and Mike did the sport round. Well, such was the barracking and the complaining that the questions (which were perfectly fair in my opinion) were too hard, that Mike ended up cutting the round short by two questions. Then a friend, who was guesting for the evening was told by a couple of people by another team that Mike’s team were ‘the team who always cheat’. Finally, the last turd in the waterpipe, the organiser asked at the end for volunteers for the rota because he was going on holiday. Mike’s team volunteered, only to be told – I’ll have to get back to you , lads. I don’t think they’re going to go back there.

Does this kind of behaviour come as much of a surprise? No, not really. A similar thing was the reason why I stopped going out on a Sunday. But my heart goes out to the lads in the team.

Then, on Thursday night it was Dan’s turn as Question Master in the club. Dan produced another very good quiz, the highlight of which was another superb music round. This one was solo piano versions of popular hits from the decades. Great round. I mean, you’d have to go a very long way to beat his first string quartets round, but it was still a great and enjoyable round. And I have to say it, some of those songs sounded terrific with just the piano. Now, I always used to say that nobody ever complains that the questions are too easy. Well, that shows just what I know. The questions were not too easy. But after the break we had a couple of high scoring rounds one after another. That was when the carping started. It’s one particular team who were guilty, the same team who were so bloody rude the first tme Jess did it last year. You know the sort of thing ‘Oh, you’re taking pity on us, are you?’. It would not, in all honesty, make it any better if they ever provided a question master themselves, but they don’t. One should always try to be calm and reasonable when commenting on other people’s behaviour, so bearing this in mind I would like to call them a bunch of arseholes.