Sunday 29 October 2023

Tomorrow's Mastermind Specialists

 After last week's unexpected double figure aggregate I wasn't expecting much when I checked out the BBC Mastermind page to see what tomorrow's subjects will be. In no particular order we have:-

Reptiles and Amphibians of the British Isles

The Salem Witch Trials

Indian Premier League Cricket 

Edward VIII

I know that I'm always a bit pessimistic about my chances, but it seems to me that I have good reason to be with these specialists. Here's my predictions:-

I don't know that much about reptiles and amphibians (although I've taught quite a few in my time) but I can usually guess my way to a point or two on the natural world. 

I don't know a lot about the Salem Witch Trials. Other than having read "The Crucible". I think I'd be lucky to get a point. 

I cannot get into cricket, and I know extremely little about the IPL. Maybe a lucky guess, but more likely nowt. 

Edward VIII. This is my banker subject. I usually do well enough on kings and queens. I could possibly get as many as four, on the other hand I still might end up with nowt. So overall I'm going to say 3 - 6 for the total aggregate.

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