Tuesday 3 October 2023

Mastermind 2024 first round heat

Yeah, late again. Sorry about that. I don’t know what to tell you. Sometimes you’re just so tired in an evening that you’re best to admit defeat, not force it, and come to it with a fresh mind the next day. Enough of such things.

The first into the chair last night was Bob Teasdale. Bob was answering on the folk musician Richard Thompson. I can’t claim any familiarity with him but I did recognise he names of a lot of people he’d worked with and a lot of tracks he played on. Only a despairing guess on the last question concerning Britney Spears did I scrape a point. Bob did better – we can all be grateful for that. He scored 8 and no passes. It’s a strange score, is 8, in as much as it’s still an achievement which displays your knowledge, but it’s likely to be beaten, and by a couple of points at least.

Lisa Wallace was the first to try to beat it. She was answering on the TV show Ted Lasso. Somehow this show has managed to fly beneath my radar and other than a vague recollection of having heard the name before I knew nothing about it, as proven by my pathetic nul points. Lisa, by contrast, delivered a wonderful round, hardly faltering at all, never passing and accruing an excellent 12 points in the process. Beat that!

Well, Jane Hill certainly had a go. Jane joins a select band of hardy masterminders who appeared in the original Magnus era, and have now appeared in the revived show. She was answering on the life and works of Joan Didion. No, I’m not very familiar with Joan Didion and her work at all. I scraped a couple with guesses. Right up until the last question it looked very much as if Jane could match Lisa’s score. The last answer let her down though, and she finished with a fine 11 points.

Krishna Jada closed the first round with my ‘banker’ subject, the early life of Gandhi. I call it my banker subject, but that’s only because I though I might scrape a couple of points – which I did – whereas I didn’t fancy my chances of getting any on the other three subjects. This was another fine round. Krishna was thoroughly prepared for anything that Clive threw at him, answering quickly, precisely and above all correctly. He too scored 12 and no passes.

General knowledge then. Bob Teasdale had found himself in last place at half time despite having had a pretty good specialist. This didn’t seem to both him. He accrued 10 points and had 3 or 4 questions left, and these were what might have raised a good round to the status of a great round. Sadly he passed on most and ended with the 10. A good performance, but surely one of the others would be able to beat his 18 bearing in mind that they each had several points head start.

Thinking about it, Jane Hill’s GK round was like Bob’s in reverse. He start wasn’t quite as good as she would have liked, but once she got into her stride there was no stopping her. Her momentum built, encouraging Clive to ask more and more quickly. In the end she’d accrued a brilliant 14, to raise the target to 25. Not a 100% guaranteed winning score, but a score that would prove a considerable challenge to everyone.

It was a score that Lisa Wallace couldn’t match. Maybe it was nerves in the chair, or maybe the questions just didn’t fall her way but it was pretty clear from quite early n that she was not going to get there. It happens – as we often say SIJNYR (Sometimes it’s just not your night). Lisa finished with a total of 17.

Which just left Krishna. Much the same as with Lisa’s round, it became clear as the tound went on that he was going to fall short. Oh, he gave it a fair old lash, alright, passing quickly to try to move the round along, but for him too it was a case of SIJNYR. It happens. Take a bit of time to reflect, enjoy that you’ve been part of the experience and, if you want, decide if you want to try again in the future.

Well done to Jane. Last time out in the Magnus era she was a semi finalist. She’d like to go one better this time. Well, Jane, if you can produce GK like that you’ll always be in with a shout. I wish you the best of luck.

 The Details

Bob Teasdale

The Folk musician Richard Thompson







Lisa Wallace

Ted Lasso







Jane Hill

The Life and Works of Joan Didion







Krishna Jada

The early life of Gandhi








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