Saturday 21 October 2023

Monday's Mastermind Specialists

The Mastermind specialists on Monday’s show are a mixed bag. No, nothing unusual in that. According to the Mastermind website Monay’s specialists will be: - German Military Aircraft of World War 2, Arrested Development, James McNeill Whistler and Peter jackson’s The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

As for my forecast, well, last week I exceeded my rather pessimistic forecast. I’m still going to be cautious though. So, what would you think is most likely to be my best? I think it will be the first, the aircraft. Back in the day when I was a nipper I was heavily into making Airfix models, and the vast majority were from WW2. I reckon that might bring me 3 or so if I’m lucky. I’ve never seen Arrested Development so expect nowt there. Whistler I know a wee bit about, so might get a couple. I love all 3 Lords of the Rings films, and again, might well get a couple. So I’m going to predict five to ten.

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