Saturday 6 May 2023

The Big D is back

 Apologies. I don't wish to upset anyone with this post. Basically, I had something of a breakdown in work on Thursday. Thankfully it wasn't in front of any of the children, but in the staff room. Things have been getting on top of me generally, not just in work but that's the most of it and the whole situation has been exacerbated by a sustained month or so of insomnia. So I made an appointment with the Doctor yesterday. To cut a long story short, I'm suffering from another bout of depression, probably brought on by a variety of different causes. He's changed my medication, and written me off work for a couple of weeks. 

I don't plan to stop doing the blog, but then I didn't plan to stop doing it last time, it just happened. Whatever the case, thanks for your support. It's meant a lot to me. 


Claire Slater said...

Sorry to hear this. Just be gentle with yourself and come back to blogging when you feel able to.

Londinius said...

Hi Claire and thank you for your kind comments. I don't plan to stop, but hey, we'll see what happens.

George Millman said...

I've been struggling a lot recently as well, there's a weird energy around at the moment. Hang in there :)

Londinius said...

Thanks George!

Steve Cooke said...

Hi David. Keep your chin up. If you can beat it once, you can beat it twice. And remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Londinius said...

Thanks Steve!