Sunday 12 April 2009

Weekend Mni Quiz 11

Weekend Mini Quiz 11 -

Round One : - Cheats , Hoaxes and Forgeries

1) What was the real name of the famous Edwardian hoaxer who dressed up Virginia Woolf amongst others as Abyssinian Princes, and took them on a tour of HMS Dreadnought ?

2) What was the name of the forger who created the Hitler Diaries ?

3) Who was the coughing lecturer who allegedly aided and abetted Major Charles Ingram in his notorious appearance on “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire “ ?

4) What was the subject of the Surgeon’s Photograph in 1933 ?

5) Who hitched a lift to the finish of the 1904 St. Louis Olympic Marathon, and posed as the winner for which he received a lifetime ban from athletics, which was later rescinded ?

Round Two – General Knowledge

1) In Australia, what date is Anzac Day ?

2) Who wrote the novel “Brothers and Sisters “ ?

3) Which SI unit is equal to 1 Newton per square inch ?

4) Into which 2 periods is the Stone Age divided ?

5) Which artist created the Dan Dare strip in the Eagle comic ?

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