Saturday 29 April 2023

From Page To Screen

Let’s not finish April with my rant in my last post still ringing in our collective ears, shall we. I’ve mentioned in the past that I do attend one other quiz than the rugby club. This is the Movie quiz in the Gwyn Hall in Neath. It only takes place once a month, and it is well attended. To give you an example, April’s quiz which took place on Wednesday was themed ‘From Page To Screen’. Traditionally this is not one of the most popular films, in the way that, for the sake of argument, Disney movies is. Yet there were still 23 teams playing on Wednesday evening.

It's a funny theme, From Page to Screen. Basically, any fim adaptation of a book is fair game, which does at least mean that you can have a wide and varied range of questions.

Yeah, alright, we won. One new thing this year is that there’s a winning team each month, but the results all contribute to a League throughout the year. With a third of the year now done, we’ve won three and been second once. That was the musicals quiz which was, I think in February. Now I’m usually of a pessimistic cast of mind when contemplating our chances before the final scores are announced. I’m not sure why – as I always say, if it’s hard for us, then it’s hard for everyone else as well. Maybe it’s because in a General Knowledge quiz at the very least I’m usually at least a pretty good contributor to the team, whereas in a film quiz I’m at best an auxiliary, chipping in the odd one or two when I can. So I really didn’t know how well we’d done. I hoped hat we’d one by a point or two. As it turned out though we won by 8, which is a comfortable margin in this quiz.

Look, if you have a good time and enjoy the quiz, as we did, then winning is a bonus. But I’m not going to sit here and pretend that it doesn’t matter to me. I’m far too immature for that.

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