Sunday 26 November 2023

Sorry is often the hardest word

Here’s something unusual. I didn’t mention this before because it wasn’t such a big deal, and I’d forgotten about it when blog writing time came along.

Basically, a week ago last Thursday we had a new team playing in the club. It happens from time to time. If there’s a function going on during th day then it’s not unknown for some of the revellers to stick around and they naturally get an invite to play.

It rarely ends successfully for the guest team. Usually they are a) not quizzers and b) not sober. So what starts as high spirits sometimes degenerates. As the team falls further behind, sometimes the louder members of the team get bolshie. By round 6 out of 8 they were shouting ‘google!’ at us whenever we announced the scores. Not in a funny way neither.

You’ve probably experienced something similar yourselves at different times. You know that if you react you really can’t win. You confront them you’re going to provoke something unpleasant. They’re not going to stop accusing you of cheating just because you say you’re not. So we walked out at the end of the quiz, without pistols at dawn or the equivalent.

I’d like to say that I spent the next few days wallowing in self-righteous indignation, but it’s happened enough times over the years that it doesn’t really get to me. So, when Dai Norwich came up to us before the star of the quiz this Thursday and apologized for what happened the week before, I couldn’t think what he was referring to. Fair play to Dai. As I’ve said it’s something I’ve encountered before, although never in the club, and this is the first time that I’ve ever known a QM to react to it. A week later, alright, I admit, but it’s more than I’ve had before.

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