Tuesday 25 July 2023

The Misappliance of Science

Sorry. I didn’t post at the weekend because I was pretty busy. However, I did think that it was no bad thing to let last week’s quiz at the club settle on the stomach before commenting on it.

If you have been a regular reader for at least the last year or two, you maybe read a post I made a year ago about a new setter at the club who blinded us all with Science (questions). He’s not set a quiz again since and if I’m honest that’s probably no bad thing if Thursday night’s quiz, which he set, was anything to go by.

If you look at what I wrote last year you’ll find that I did say that I did enjoy the experience in a perverse kind of way. I quite enjoyed the first half of the quiz on Thursday. There was far too much Science of course, but a proportion of it was gettable with a good general knowledge. Not the second half though. That was a struggle.

Now, before I go on, I need to acknowledge a few things. Variety is the spice of life, and it’s not necessarily any bad thing to have a quiz which is different now and again. If we didn’t have people willing to put the time and trouble into compiling a quiz for a couple of drinks then we wouldn’t have a quiz.

Okay. Now, personally, I don’t understand why you wouldn’t go out of your way to compile a quiz that you think people are most likely to enjoy. His first quiz, last year, was forgivable because I think that he honestly thought that most people would find it easy and enjoy it. However, the comments from many of the teams, that he must have heard a lot of, were enough evidence to convince the most thick skinned of question masters that it was going down like a lead balloon. I fact, I think he must have taken them on board to some extent because he did pass comments a couple of times last week about asking questions to annoy the teams, or words to that effect. Why would you want to do that? It’s one of my bugbears with a certain type of question master, that they seem to think that the quiz is a contest between themselves and the teams. It really shouldn’t be. I have won some high-level quizzes in the past, but it wouldn’t take a massive amount of effort to make a quiz when I could only answer 1 or 2 questions every round. Or maybe even none. So what? Would it prove that the QM was a better quizzer than me, my team and all the other quizzers there? Nope.

Putting together a quiz takes time and effort and thought. If last week’s QM does one again next year, or even before I shall certainly play in it, unforeseen events permitting. But I do hope that he gives a little thought to the questions he asks. Yes, you can have your hard Science questions but limit them to one per round. Earn yourself the right to throw in a question that YOU like, by asking a majority of questions that the poor devils who have to answer them would like.

You know it makes sense.

Oh, and I’m sorry for saying “We’ve still got 3 rounds of this shite to go.” after round five. That wasn’t nice.


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