Friday 10 May 2024

News from LAM Towers

Hello. Look, I'm sorry it's been weeks since my last post. I have been going to the club and playing in the quiz, but that's really been about the length of it. 

You know I go on about being the last schoolteacher to win a series of Mastermind? Well, my career as a full time school teacher now officially has only a matter of weeks left. I've sent in my retirement letter and the magic date is 31st August. Although the last day in school this year is 19th July. Although I've been off work with depression since mid-March. Still, even if I do go back, that's a maximum of 25 teaching days even if I do go straight back as soon as the current paper medical certificate expires.

You know, 20 odd years ago when I was middle aged and stupid I would often say - when I finally retire I want to be going out to quizzes at least five nights a week. Well, that ain't going to happen now. But I must say that quizzing has helped keep me going at important times during my teaching career, and while I'm giving up teaching now, I can't see me ever completely giving up quizzing.

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